Friday, March 19, 2010

A relaxing day at the beach.?..Not so much...

We only live a little over an hour from York Beach in Maine. When the weather is nice, it has become one of our favorite places to go. We had some gorgeous weather a couple weekends ago and decided to take the dogs and go walking on the beach. Now, we don't usually take the dogs with us for a couple of reasons. One of the reasons is because they don't really like other dogs. Wally barks at everyone and everything- as you will see in the videos, and Skittles is scared of her own shadow and starts yelping whenever she sees a dog that is bigger than she is. I know this about my dogs, but every time we go to the beach without them, I feel like a bad mom because I left them at home. I see all these other dogs that are well behaved and love to play on the beach, while my dogs are at home in their kennel. I guess you would call it mommy guilt. Anyway, I gave into the guilt and the results are the videos below.

Here we are only a couple of blocks from the house and already regretting our decision to bring them.

The ocean is in sight, and so are all the people..cue Wally dog.

Once we are finally on the beach, they aren't too bad..

After a long day at the beach, this is what I went upstairs to that night.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again- it's rough to be a dog in the Battersby house!

1 comment:

K said...

K loved seeing the dogs again:) He still wishes we lived closer. He'd be the permanent dog sitter for sure:) I do have to say that I'm jealous of the sun and the beach. I'd be there every weekend if I lived that close to great beaches like that. I loved Maine.