Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Letter To My Brother

Dear Jeff,

Today is your 42nd birthday. I'm sure you are thrilled that I am sharing this with the whole blogging world. Since I didn't get you a gift, and I don't have a "Heidi, where are you hiding?" story from grandma to tell you about the day you were born, I decided to give you your very own post on my blog. Thank me later. :)

I have always been thankful that you were my brother. Even when you would hold me over the bridge in Pomeroy and threaten to drop me, I was thankful for you. Even when you would drag me barefoot out on our gravel driveway in 95 degree heat and throw rocks at my feet and say "dance, Heidi, dance", I was thankful for you. Even when you would give me the Looney Toons Porky Pig glass at dinner (you remember the one), I was thankful for you. Even when you "let" me mow our large backyard while you mowed the much smaller front yard, I was thankful for you.

Now before anyone gets the wrong idea and thinks I must be crazy for being thankful for all of those things, I should probably mention that you saved me from drowning in the neighbor's pool when I was five. There were also all the times when I would show up in your 6th grade class after my morning kindergarten class got out to have you walk me across the crosswalk because I was scared of the crossing guards. You always would without complaining. And there were all the Christmas Eve's you would stay up with me watching A Christmas Story while we told each other what mom and dad got us for Christmas, and waited for a decent hour to be able to wake them up and open presents. I am thankful for all of that too.

Dad and Mom always use to say "Jeff, watch out for your sister" every time we would go somewhere. You always did. Maybe it was because you were afraid you would get in trouble if you didn't, but I like to think it was also because even though I was your annoying little sister, you still loved me a little. :)

Siblings share a special bond I think. It is a bond that comes from growing up in the same household under the same circumstances with the same parents. I was always thankful you were in the same house as me. When dad passed away, you were the first person I wanted to see because you were the only other person in the world that knew how I felt because you had just lost your dad too.

I have always looked up to you and I have always been proud to be your sister. I am thankful that even though we live on opposite ends of the country, that you still "watch out for your sister". I am thankful you are one of my best friends. I am thankful you are my brother. Most of all, I am thankful that no matter how old I get, you will always be older than me! :) I can't wait to see you in a couple weeks. New York City here we come! Happy Birthday! I love you.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Boo-Yeah Ball Jammers

That's the name of our kickball team. We had our first game on Thursday night. Thankfully the weather wasn't too hot and the sun had gone down by the time the game started. The bugs weren't too bad, I didn't get bitten by any mosquitos, and we actually won the game 3-1! I think our team captain's "uniform" distracted the other team and they couldn't kick the ball! Hey-we'll take a win any way we can get it!

Tyler decided that safety equipment was necessary to protect his brilliant engineering brain. The rest of us think he could have been hit in the head and it wouldn't have made any difference. :)

Colin did make a spectacular diving catch and got on base twice, which is two more times than me. haha One game down, 7 more to go- unless we make the playoffs. I'm not too worried about that happening!