Saturday, July 17, 2010

Boo-Yeah Ball Jammers

That's the name of our kickball team. We had our first game on Thursday night. Thankfully the weather wasn't too hot and the sun had gone down by the time the game started. The bugs weren't too bad, I didn't get bitten by any mosquitos, and we actually won the game 3-1! I think our team captain's "uniform" distracted the other team and they couldn't kick the ball! Hey-we'll take a win any way we can get it!

Tyler decided that safety equipment was necessary to protect his brilliant engineering brain. The rest of us think he could have been hit in the head and it wouldn't have made any difference. :)

Colin did make a spectacular diving catch and got on base twice, which is two more times than me. haha One game down, 7 more to go- unless we make the playoffs. I'm not too worried about that happening!

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