Friday, April 13, 2012

HMR Fail we didn't last a week on this extreme diet. You're all shocked, I know! So are we! Ha! I thought by posting it on the blog and letting people know, it would keep us more motivated to keep going on it. I was wrong. It turns out that while we like all of you we really don't care what you think of us. :)

This last week has been hell. I really don't know how else to describe it. If I never see another "shake" it will be too soon. We started the diet with good intentions (what the road to hell is paved with by the way), but by day 4 we were at each others throats- and we really never fight. It isn't worth it to us to be this miserable. So, we are going to continue our exercise plan that we started, and just watch what we eat. We are considering weight watchers online. Something where we can eat real food. The weight won't come off as quickly, but I know we will be happier in the long run- and I prefer a fat and happy Heidi to a miserable one....and Colin does too!

My husband would really do anything to make me happy and has a hard time telling me no when I want something, but I have told him that the next time I get a stupid idea like this one in my head to please feel free to say "NO!". I'm now looking forward to my birthday again and putting my 38 candles in a CAKE! I'm fairly certain it will be my best birthday yet!

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