My name is Heidi, and I am a Pinterest addict. The first step is admitting it, right? The other day I saw a quote on Pinterest that said:
That is so true. As I've thought about my brother over the last month, it's still hard to believe sometimes that he's really gone. I know he is, but I still have times I want to pick up the phone and call him or text him. He's gone, and yet, my life goes on. I get up every day, go to work, go about my day doing the day to day things that I usually do. It's strange to me because I've never not had him there. He's always been a large part of my life. I realize he always will be part of my life- just through my memories now. I miss him, that won't ever change. Although it's a different life for those of us that love him and miss him, it does indeed go on.