Monday, February 11, 2013

Life Goes On

My name is Heidi, and I am a Pinterest addict.  The first step is admitting it, right?  The other day I saw a quote on Pinterest that said:
That is so true.  As I've thought about my brother over the last month, it's still hard to believe sometimes that he's really gone.  I know he is, but I still have times I want to pick up the phone and call him or text him.  He's gone, and yet, my life goes on.  I get up every day, go to work,  go about my day doing the day to day things that I usually do.  It's strange to me because I've never not had him there.  He's always been a large part of my life.  I realize he always will be part of my life- just through my memories now.  I miss him, that won't ever change.  Although it's a different life for those of us that love him and miss him, it does indeed go on.         


Heitmann Family said...

I hear ya Sis!! Love ya-

K said...

This is so true! Different circumstances for everyone but everyone at some time in their lives has some great pain and when they wish that life wouldn't go on and yet it does. I think of a movie quote...Sleepless in Seattle. I'm going to get up and breathe in and out all day long.

I pray for you every day. Love you guys so much. BTW, I didn't comment on your talk post but I thought it was a beautiful tribute to Jeff. I'm proud of you for being able to get up there and deliver the talk:) Hang in there. You are loved more than you know.

KristiT said...

So true Heidi! My brother has been gone almost 8 years and I still catch myself thinking I should get that for Tom for Christmas or he has to watch this show etc. Life goes on, differently than before but still forever advancing.