Thursday, November 25, 2010


I have always loved Thanksgiving. It's the holiday filled with family, friends and good food without the stress of having to buy gifts and brave the craziness of the mall. Although I have much to be thankful for, we have gone through some things in the last couple of weeks that have made it difficult for me to remember to count my blessings. Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to take some time to reflect on what we are thankful for. Here are just a few things I'm thankful for today.

-A loving, supportive husband who puts my needs before his own.
-My extended family.
-My friends.
-My little fur babies Wally & Skittles who show me love every day- even those days when I don't deserve it.
-A job that I enjoy, and the great people I work with.
-A warm house to live in and enough food to eat.
-My faith.
-My freedom.
-My health.

We are truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's That Time Of Year Again!

The time has finally come for us to tag our Christmas tree. We always go on the first day that they are open for the year so that we can get a good tree. Colin was at work when I found out when opening day was this year, so I texted him because I was certain that he would be as excited about this as I was. This is how that conversation went.

Me: Oct. 30th is the day! Mark your calendar! Christmas tree tagging!

Colin: You do realize this is before Halloween right?

Me: Only 1 day.

Colin: You do realize this is like 56 days before Christmas right?

Me: You do realize that you have to go on the first day they are open to get a good tree right?

Colin: Can we at least pick a thin light tree near the exit?

Me: Ummmmmmmmmm..NO! We will find a nice full one in the back like we do every year.

Colin: Are you going to decorate it?

Me: With your help.

Colin: Bah Humbug!

Me: Scrooge!

This year we actually did pick a tree that was thinner than we normally get and near the exit because we didn't ever see a really full one that we liked. I guess it's good to try something new once in awhile.

Let the holiday season begin!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Finally FALL!

My favorite time of the year has arrived! I suffer through the heat and humidity of summer which makes the return of fall that much sweeter for me. I absolutely love fall! The nip in the air, the colors of the leaves on the trees, hot chocolate, pumpkin pie, NFL football...I LOVE it all!

It has been a busy fall so far. We are in a volleyball league and a bowling league which keeps us busy during the week. Colin's parents came out and spent a week with us in September. We celebrated Colin's birthday on Oct. 2nd, and Colin and I managed to take a quick getaway trip to Maine for his birthday and our first date anniversary. Here are some photos of the last few weeks.

Colin's mom enjoying some lobster.

Colin and his parents on the tram we took up Cannon Mountain

Celebrating Colin's birthday a few days early while his parents were here

A fun gift from his parents and a book that Colin admits he could have written

At Cape Elizabeth

Sunrise at Wells Beach


Saturday, September 18, 2010


Our kickball season ended last Thursday. I would like to be able to tell you that we finished the season as strongly as we started- or even that we won more games than we lost- but that is not the case. I can say though, that we did have lots of fun!

Kickball may have ended, but we are continuing the fun in a few weeks with volleyball. Good times.

New York City

When Jeff and Amber were here we took a few days and went to New York City. Colin was the only one of us that had ever been, and that was about 10 years ago, so we were all excited for this adventure.

We decided that instead of trying to drive around the city, that we would take the train from Boston and it was an enjoyable, no stress way to travel. We found a great penthouse in Manhattan to rent on the website. We had a view of the Empire State Building from our "crib".

It was unbelievably hot the days we were there. Mid 90's every day with horrible humidity. We have decided that any future vacations we take together will be in the spring or fall! To make good use of our time and get to see the most that we could while we were there, we purchased tickets for a double decker bus tour. We all agreed that this was definitely a good way to see the city.

As it is with any of our vacations, food was always a priority. We ate at some great places. The first night we were there we ate at Mesa Grill, one of Bobby Flay's restaurants. Jeff wasn't feeling well so he didn't go with us that night, but the rest of us enjoyed it. Of course we had to eat at the famous Carnegie Deli, and let me tell you- the pastrami is to die for. I had never liked pastrami that well until I had a bite of Colin's sandwich. YUM!

Jeff and I opted for the turkey club. As you can see by the size of this thing, we should have shared one!

We had another great meal at LaMela's. I dropped the ball and didn't get any pictures of the great food, but here is a picture of Jeff and Amber outside the restaurant.

We had a little fun in the M&M's store in Times Square. If you know Jeff, ask him how his $40 M&M's were the next time you see him. :)

Times Square at night.

I loved New York and can't wait to go again!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jeff & Amber

My brother and sister-in-law came to visit us at the beginning of August. Jeff had been here a few times before, but this was Amber's first time in the Northeast. Since they live in Idaho and we are in New Hampshire, we usually only get to see each other once a year. We had a great week and it was nice to be together as adults enjoying each other's company. More than once during the week they were here, I thought of how lucky we were to be family that love each other and enjoy spending time together.

We did a lot of eating (of course), a lot of travelling, and a lot of sight seeing. Amber has cousins in Maine that only live about an hour from us, so we got to see them and have dinner with them one night.

Jeff & Colin both had lobster. If there is anyone that actually ever reads this blog, they can probably guess what I had at the seafood restaurant! lol

A picture of Jeff & Amber in front of the most photographed lighthouse in Maine- Cape Neddick ("Nubble") lighthouse.

While we were in Maine, we stopped at an antique store and they had a Porky Pig glass like the one that Jeff and I use to try and give each other at dinner when we were kids. Too funny since I had just mentioned it in my previous post.

We took a dinner cruise around Lake Winnipesaukee. Colin got a great picture of Jeff and Amber with the sun setting. The food wasn't great on the cruise-as Jeff kept pointing out to me- but like I kept telling him, we were there for the scenery! :)

Boston took up another day. We walked a little of the freedom trail and had dinner in the north end at a great Italian restaurant that one of our friends had recommended. Colin and I will definitely be going back there. For anyone in the area that might want to check it out, it was called Massimino's. A trip to the north end would not be complete without cannoli's from Mike's Pastry. YUM!

Jeff & Amber at Boston Harbor

The highlight of our time together was the trip we took to New York City. I will give that a post of its own. Jeff & Amber-thanks for coming to visit us! We had lots of fun!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Letter To My Brother

Dear Jeff,

Today is your 42nd birthday. I'm sure you are thrilled that I am sharing this with the whole blogging world. Since I didn't get you a gift, and I don't have a "Heidi, where are you hiding?" story from grandma to tell you about the day you were born, I decided to give you your very own post on my blog. Thank me later. :)

I have always been thankful that you were my brother. Even when you would hold me over the bridge in Pomeroy and threaten to drop me, I was thankful for you. Even when you would drag me barefoot out on our gravel driveway in 95 degree heat and throw rocks at my feet and say "dance, Heidi, dance", I was thankful for you. Even when you would give me the Looney Toons Porky Pig glass at dinner (you remember the one), I was thankful for you. Even when you "let" me mow our large backyard while you mowed the much smaller front yard, I was thankful for you.

Now before anyone gets the wrong idea and thinks I must be crazy for being thankful for all of those things, I should probably mention that you saved me from drowning in the neighbor's pool when I was five. There were also all the times when I would show up in your 6th grade class after my morning kindergarten class got out to have you walk me across the crosswalk because I was scared of the crossing guards. You always would without complaining. And there were all the Christmas Eve's you would stay up with me watching A Christmas Story while we told each other what mom and dad got us for Christmas, and waited for a decent hour to be able to wake them up and open presents. I am thankful for all of that too.

Dad and Mom always use to say "Jeff, watch out for your sister" every time we would go somewhere. You always did. Maybe it was because you were afraid you would get in trouble if you didn't, but I like to think it was also because even though I was your annoying little sister, you still loved me a little. :)

Siblings share a special bond I think. It is a bond that comes from growing up in the same household under the same circumstances with the same parents. I was always thankful you were in the same house as me. When dad passed away, you were the first person I wanted to see because you were the only other person in the world that knew how I felt because you had just lost your dad too.

I have always looked up to you and I have always been proud to be your sister. I am thankful that even though we live on opposite ends of the country, that you still "watch out for your sister". I am thankful you are one of my best friends. I am thankful you are my brother. Most of all, I am thankful that no matter how old I get, you will always be older than me! :) I can't wait to see you in a couple weeks. New York City here we come! Happy Birthday! I love you.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Boo-Yeah Ball Jammers

That's the name of our kickball team. We had our first game on Thursday night. Thankfully the weather wasn't too hot and the sun had gone down by the time the game started. The bugs weren't too bad, I didn't get bitten by any mosquitos, and we actually won the game 3-1! I think our team captain's "uniform" distracted the other team and they couldn't kick the ball! Hey-we'll take a win any way we can get it!

Tyler decided that safety equipment was necessary to protect his brilliant engineering brain. The rest of us think he could have been hit in the head and it wouldn't have made any difference. :)

Colin did make a spectacular diving catch and got on base twice, which is two more times than me. haha One game down, 7 more to go- unless we make the playoffs. I'm not too worried about that happening!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer=Heat, Humidity, Mosquitos, and....Kickball???

Anyone that knows me well, knows that I don't really like summer. To say that I am a warm blooded person would be an understatement. I am always hot- always-which is the main reason I don't care for summer. I also am not fond of mosquitos-although they are fond of me! We lived in Florida for 2 years when we were first married and I was probably the whitest person in Florida because I would only go from my air conditioned house, to my air conditioned car, to my air conditioned job, and to the air conditioned store. Even going to the beach provided no relief from the heat because the water was always so warm- like bath water.

I do enjoy the nice mid 70's. low 80's days with no humidity and a nice breeze blowing. Unfortunately, in New England, summer and humidity seem to go hand in hand. That is why every year (usually in April or May), Colin will put the air conditioners in and they stay in until around October- just to be on the safe side! I also try to stay in all summer- just to be on the safe side! lol Now, keeping in mind what I have just told you, here is a conversation that I had with my dear husband about a month ago.

Colin-"I signed us up to play in a kickball league with some people from work."
Me- "Kickball? REALLY? Kickball? Why?"
Colin-"It sounded like fun and everyone is playing"

Let me just also add that "everyone" is a bunch of 20 somethings from Arizona that he works with that love the heat and are in shape. Colin tends to forget that we are 10-12 years older than his buddies from work! back to our conversation.

Me-"When does this start?"
Colin-"It starts in July and goes through August."
Me-"This is INDOOR kickball right??"
Colin-" It's outdoors, but it will be at night and cooler."
Me-"Riiiiight! At night with the mosquitos and bugs. Why do I have to play?"
Colin-"Because it's co ed and you have to have as many girls on the field as guys, so everyone (remember who "everyone" is), is signing up their wives or girlfriends."
Me-"So let me get this straight- you want me to play kickball which I'm pretty sure I haven't played since elementary school PE, in the dead heat of summer, with the mosquitos and bugs?"
Colin-"Yeah. Don't you think it will be fun?"

Needless to say, the season starts in a couple weeks. Pray for me!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ronald Charles Seipert: September 27, 1940- September 25, 2003

It's Father's Day and of course I am thinking of my wonderful dad. I think of him every day, not just on Father's Day. My dad always said that he didn't think just one day should be designated as Father's Day, because he thought if you were lucky enough to have children, that every day was Father's Day. One year on Father's Day, he was working and not able to be with us, but he made us a cassette tape (that was back in the day of the cassette tape), and told us how much he loved us and special little things about me and my older brother and my mom. I am thankful to have a copy of that recording in his own voice. My dad was my best friend. I always knew that he would love me unconditionally, no matter what. I am sure there are times that my brother and I disappointed him, but he always told us he loved us and he was proud of us and that he couldn't have asked for two better kids. I assure you-he could have!

I was the first girl born on my dad's side of the family in 37 years. My brother would tell you that made for me being a little spoiled- not so! :) My dad made his living as a police officer and always worked hard to provide for his family. He taught me to treat other people with respect and told me that you could learn something from everyone in life- at the very least you could learn that you wanted to be like that person, or you didn't. We had a lot of little jokes between us, and I think he had a great sense of humor. He was almost always smiling and positive. I always walked away from a conversation with him feeling better. He always told me that I could do whatever I wanted to in life as long as I worked hard enough and wanted it bad enough. When I was in elementary school, he would write me little poems and leave them in my lunch. They always started out with "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue". A couple of the better ones- "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You forgot to make your bed, But I still love you". Or- "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You're kind of cute, But so am I too". When he would tuck me in at night when I was a little girl, one of us would say "I'll see ya in the morning", and the other one would say "I'll look forward to it." That little tradition continued on even after I was too old to be tucked into bed. Whenever we said goodnight, we always said those words.

My dad taught me to be proud of who you are and where you come from, to always be proud of your family name. He took me to church and helped me gain a testimony. He showed me by example how to serve others. My dad always had time for my brother and me. There were days when he would come home from work tired and I'm sure wanting nothing more than to relax by watching the evening news, but instead he would play catch with me in the front yard, or take me to family swim night at the pool, or help coach my softball team.

My dad passed away six months after I was married, and I always wish that Colin could have gotten to know him better, that he would have been able to know him as I did. After Colin and I were married and living in Florida, I would talk to my dad on the phone and he would always tell me how happy he was that I had found Colin and that he couldn't have chosen anyone better for me if he had picked him himself. I always responded by telling him that yes, I was very lucky to have Colin, and my dad, in typical father fashion would always say "well, he is pretty lucky to have you too, and don't let him forget it!"

Ever since I knew what death was, I dreaded the day that I would lose my dad. The news came unexpectedly one day, with Colin showing up at my work to tell me that my dad had died of a heart attack. My whole world changed forever that day. It has gotten easier with time, but I will always miss him. I remember the last time I saw him alive after my wedding before moving to Florida. We were saying goodbye and we were both crying and he told me that it was better that we felt this way about each other, to love each other so much to be this upset, than to just be able to say goodbye and not care. I remember the last time I talked to him on the phone a week before he passed away. I never would have thought that would be the last time I would hear his voice. I miss not being able to pick up the phone and call him, to talk to him and ask him for advice as I often did. I miss his laugh and his positive attitude and calm reassurance that everything was going to be o.k. My dad wasn't perfect- he would be the first person to tell you that- but in my eyes, as a father, he was pretty darn close. I remember my dad saying many times not to cry for him when he is gone because he will be in a much better place. Although I know that, I don't cry for him, I cry for me..because I miss him. I am thankful that Heavenly Father sent me to him. He must have known how much I would need him. I know I will see him again someday. Happy Father's Day, dad. I love you.

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband who is the best daddy in the world to our two little "babies", and the best husband a woman could ever hope to have. Thanks for all you do to show your love for us. Wally & Skittles wanted to make sure that you know how much they love you, so they are going to sleep next to you ALL week! lol

Happy Father's day to my wonderful father-in-law! Thanks for raising two amazing sons!

We love you and appreciate you and wish you were here to spend the day with us. Wally & Skittles want a walk with grandpa!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Skittles!

It's Skittles birthday this month. Our little girl is 7 years old. I found Skittles from an ad in the newspaper in Florida after we had been married about 4 months. We already had Wally, and I convinced Colin that Wally needed a playmate. Turns out Wally didn't want a playmate, but by then it was too late! :) Wally still hasn't totally forgiven us.

Skittles got to come home with us when she was about 2 months old. I remember that day vividly. I was holding her on my lap in the car and she was whining. I thought she was whining because we were taking her away from her mommy and I got upset and started crying. I told Colin maybe we should take her back because she wasn't happy with us. Well, Colin took her and put her on his lap-and she peed. After that, she came back and sat on my lap and went to sleep- no more whining! Turns out she just had to go potty. lol

Skittles is the opposite of Wally in that she loves to be held and loved and always needs to be on someone's lap or next to someone. Skittles is a Florida girl and she doesn't so much care for these New England winters. Dachshunds are sometimes called "hot dogs" because of their shape, but Skittles is a true "hot dog" because I swear her internal temperature is 1000 degrees! If you don't believe me, ask any of our relatives that have had the "pleasure" of sleeping with her. Our dogs think it is their duty to sleep with people that come to visit us. I guess they want to make sure everyone feels at home. I have to say that Colin and I get our best sleep when we have houseguests!

Here is a little video of Skittles opening her gift from grandma and grandpa Battersby!