Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer=Heat, Humidity, Mosquitos, and....Kickball???

Anyone that knows me well, knows that I don't really like summer. To say that I am a warm blooded person would be an understatement. I am always hot- always-which is the main reason I don't care for summer. I also am not fond of mosquitos-although they are fond of me! We lived in Florida for 2 years when we were first married and I was probably the whitest person in Florida because I would only go from my air conditioned house, to my air conditioned car, to my air conditioned job, and to the air conditioned store. Even going to the beach provided no relief from the heat because the water was always so warm- like bath water.

I do enjoy the nice mid 70's. low 80's days with no humidity and a nice breeze blowing. Unfortunately, in New England, summer and humidity seem to go hand in hand. That is why every year (usually in April or May), Colin will put the air conditioners in and they stay in until around October- just to be on the safe side! I also try to stay in all summer- just to be on the safe side! lol Now, keeping in mind what I have just told you, here is a conversation that I had with my dear husband about a month ago.

Colin-"I signed us up to play in a kickball league with some people from work."
Me- "Kickball? REALLY? Kickball? Why?"
Colin-"It sounded like fun and everyone is playing"

Let me just also add that "everyone" is a bunch of 20 somethings from Arizona that he works with that love the heat and are in shape. Colin tends to forget that we are 10-12 years older than his buddies from work! back to our conversation.

Me-"When does this start?"
Colin-"It starts in July and goes through August."
Me-"This is INDOOR kickball right??"
Colin-" It's outdoors, but it will be at night and cooler."
Me-"Riiiiight! At night with the mosquitos and bugs. Why do I have to play?"
Colin-"Because it's co ed and you have to have as many girls on the field as guys, so everyone (remember who "everyone" is), is signing up their wives or girlfriends."
Me-"So let me get this straight- you want me to play kickball which I'm pretty sure I haven't played since elementary school PE, in the dead heat of summer, with the mosquitos and bugs?"
Colin-"Yeah. Don't you think it will be fun?"

Needless to say, the season starts in a couple weeks. Pray for me!

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